2025 IT Salary Survey

Top AI and ML positions included in survey

Jobs and compensastion picture improves for IT Professionals

Salary SurveyThere is a narrow gap between the average pay of senior executives, midlevel managers and even IT staff. Considering the salaries some hot skills are commanding, that's not surprising. Money isn't necessarily the make-or-break issue in whether a worker leaves a job. Improving relationships between worker and boss, and more closely aligning the worker with the agency mission can "balance or even trump" the limits on monetary compensation. Companies clearly can't ignore worker satisfaction with their salaries - not only those highly skilled IT workers, but also their bosses can surely make a statement with their feet.

The Janco Associates, Inc. salary survey draws on data collected throughout the year by extensive internet-based and completed survey forms sent to businesses throughout the United States and Canada.  Our database contains over 30,000 data points. 

The 160 page compensation study summarizes and compares data from 78 American metropolitan areas and 23 Canadian cities. Delivered in PDF format, it provides comparative information on more than 70 specific job titles:

  • Five distinct IT executive positions
  • Three director-level jobs
  • More than 15 specific manager roles
  • Dozens of technical staff positions

IT Salary Survey

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Compensation Year to Year Comparison

Median Salaries

Demand for IT Jobs

Hiring Demand IT

This is not the chart that was originally published. This chart has been updated to reflect the latest hiring trends.
Chart is based on the latest IT Job Market Analysis by Janco Associates.

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The compensation study (155 plus pages) in PDF or WORD and EXCEL with the data) can be ordered here

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If you  do not want to purchase the full salary study, you can get just the data for a particular city for a fraction of the cost of the full study.  Just  click here to see all the cities covered or select your city fROM the order page.

Salary Survey Methodology

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From the Janco Associates, Inc. datbase, compensation benchmark ranges are established for each normalized job position.  In analyzing the study data, the upper and lower quartiles are eliminated to determine  Benchmark Ranges.  The benchmark ranges are then used to assess the alignment of a company's actual compensation to the marketplace for each job function.  The results can be assessed using the following guidelines. 

Below Benchmark Range - Highly impacted by forces of the marketplace
Within Benchmark Range - Subject to the normal forces of the marketplace for similar job functions and responsibilities. 
Above Benchmark Range - Not subject to the forces of the marketplace

The Benchmark represents our assessment of the compensation level required for organizations to remain competitive and minimize the risk of losing employees to other organizations. 

Reviews were conducted from the standpoint of a comparison o base salary and, when appropriate, from the additional standpoint of total compensation.  Total compensation is determined by adding the budgetary bonus amounts and an equivalent cash value for above-standard compensation to an individual's base salary. 

The compensation Study data was divided into two categories.  Large companies are companies whose gross revenues are equal to or greater than $500MM.  Mid-sized companies are companies whose gross revenues are less than $500MM.

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Cities Included in Salary Survey

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US Cities Included

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Akron Albuquerque Allentown Anchorage
Atlanta Atlantic City Austin Baltimore
Bellingham Boise Boston Buffalo
Charleston Charlotte Cheyenne Chicago
Cincinnati Cleveland Colorado Springs Columbus
Dallas Denver Des Moines Detroit
Duluth Gary Grand Rapids Green Bay
Honolulu Houston Indianapolis Kansas City, MO
Las Vegas Lexington Little Rock Los Angeles
Louisville Madison Memphis Miami
Milwaukee Minneapolis Nashville New Orleans
New York Oakland Oklahoma City Olympia
Omaha Orange County CA Orlando Peoria
Philadelphia Phoenix Pittsburgh Portland, ME
Portland, OR Provo/Orem Raleigh-Durham Rockford
Sacramento Salt Lake City San Antonio San Diego
San Francisco San Jose Seattle Sioux Falls
St. Louis Stamford Syracuse Toledo
Topeka Tucson Tulsa Washington
Wichita Winston-Salem

Canadian Cities Included



Calgary, AB Charlotte, PE Edmonton, AB Fredericton, NB
Guelph, ON Halifax, NS Hamilton, ON Hull, QC
London, ON Montreal, QC Niagara Falls, ON Ottawa, ON
Quebec City, QC Regina, SK Saskatoon, SK St. John's, NF
Sudbury, ON Toronto, ON Vancouver, BC Victoria, BC
Whitehorse, YT Windsor, ON Winnipeg, MB

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Positions Included in Salary Survey

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Executive Management

VP - Chief Information Officer, VP - Chief Security Officer, VP - Administration, VP - Consulting Services, VP - Information Services, VP - Technical Services, Director - IT Planning, Director - Production/Data Center (Operations), Director - Systems & Programming

Middle Management

Manager - Applications, Manager - Computer Operations, Manager - Customer Service, Manager - Data Communications , Manager - Database , Manager - Information Center, Manager - Internet Systems, Manager - Network Services, Manager - Op Systems Prod, Manager - Production Services, Manager - Production Support, Manager Quality Control, Manager - Security and Workstations, Manager - Systems and Programming, Manager - Technical Services, Manager - Training Documentation, Manager - Voice Data Communication, Capacity Planning Supervisor, Change Control Supervisor, Computer Ops - Shift Manager, Computer Ops - Shift Supervisor, Data Entry Supervisor, Production Control Specialist, Production Services Supervisor, Project Manager - Applications , Project Manager - Distributed Systems, Project Manager - Network Techical Services, Project Manager - Systems, Supervisor - Hardware Installations, Supervisor - Desktop Support, Supervisor - Network Services, Voice/Wireless Communications Manager, Webmaster


Change Control Analyst, Computer Operator, Data Center Facility Administrator, Data Entry Clerk, Data Security Administrator, Database Specialist, Disaster Recovery Coordinator, e-Commerce Specialist, Forms and Graphics Designer, Hardware Installations Coordinator, Internet developr, IT Planning Analyst, LAN Applications Support Analyst, Librarian, Network Control Analyst, Network Services Administrator, Network Technician, Object Programmer, Operations Analyst, Personal Computer Specialist, Production Control Analyst, Programmer/Analyst, Senior Network Specialist, Software Engineer, Systems Analyst, Systems Programmer, Systems Support Specialist, Technical Services Specialist, Technical Specialist, Voice/Wireless Communications Coordinator, Web Analyst

Demand and Employment Data for IT Professionals

National Employment Report

Hiring of IT Pros Slows

IT Hiring Trend

Chart is based on the latest IT Job Market Analysis by Janco Associates.

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IT Job Market Growth grew 7,700 jobs last month and YTD gained 9,100 jobs


Cummulcative IT Job Market Growth

Chart is based on the latest IT Job Market Analysis by Janco Associates.

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Chart updated with latest analysis by Janco Associates

Lastest Changes in the Number of IT Jobs

IT Job market size

Chart is based on the latest IT Job Market Analysis by Janco Associates.

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Purchase Options for IT Salary Survey

The 159-page compensation study summarizes and compares data from 78 American metropolitan areas and 23 Canadian cities. Delivered in PDF format, it provides comparative information on more than 70 specific job titles:

  • Five distinct IT executive positions
  • Three director-level jobs
  • More than 15 specific manager roles
  • Dozens of technical staff positions

Salary Survey Standard

  • Median salary data for entire survey in the PDF report
  • Single paragraph summary job description of the 73 positions surveyed
  • Full Salary Survey Report
  • Salary data for each city surveyed in the report
  • Update service Available

Salary Survey & Excel Data

  • Median salary data for all cities in the survey in the PDF report
  • Single paragraph summary job description of the 73 positions surveyed
  • Full Salary Survey Report
  • Salary data for each city surveyed in the report plus an Microsoft EXCEL spreadsheet
  • Update service Available

Salary Survey City Version

  • Salary data for the city surveyed in the form of an Excel Spread Sheet
  • Median salary data for entire survey in the PDF report
  • Single paragraph summary job description of the 73 positions surveyed
  • Abbreviated Salary Survey Report PDF

IT Hiring Kit Standard Edition

  • Median salary data all cities in the survey in the PDF report
  • Single paragraph summary job description of the 73 positions surveyed
  • Full Salary Survey Report
  • Salary data for each city surveyed in the report plus an Microsoft EXCEL spreadsheet
  • 73 full multipage job descriptions in PDF format
  • Update service Available

IT Hiring Kit Standard Edition

  • Median salary data all cities in the survey in the PDF report
  • Single paragraph summary job description of the 73 positions surveyed
  • Full Salary Survey Report
  • Salary data for each city surveyed in the report plus an Microsoft EXCEL spreadsheet
  • 73 full multipage job descriptions in PDF format
  • 73 full multipage job descriptions in Microsoft WORD format - one file for each job description utilizing long file names
  • Update service Available

IT Hiring Kit Standard Edition

  • Median salary data all cities in the survey in the PDF report
  • Single paragraph summary job description of the 73 positions surveyed
  • Full Salary Survey Report
  • Salary data for each city surveyed in the report plus an Microsoft EXCEL spreadsheet
  • 73 full multipage job descriptions in PDF format
  • 324 full multipage job descriptions from the Internet & IT Position Descriptions HandiGuide in PDF format
  • Update service Available

IT Hiring Kit Standard Edition

  • Median salary data all cities in the survey in the PDF report
  • Single paragraph summary job description of the 73 positions surveyed
  • Full Salary Survey Report
  • Salary data for each city surveyed in the report plus an Microsoft EXCEL spreadsheet
  • 73 full multipage job descriptions in PDF format
  • 324 full multipage job descriptions from the Internet & IT Position Descriptions HandiGuide in Microsoft WORD format - one file for each job description utilizing long file names
  • Update service Available

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Become A Survey Participant

Janco Associates, Inc. has published a bi-annual information technology compensation survey for over ten years.  

 Participate by providing us valid data and we will be able to download a complimentary copy of the summary results1  upon its completion. In addition,  you may be eligible to purchase the full study at a significant discount.

These results will be available in January. To participate, simply click the Participate button below and complete the on-line Compensation Participation Survey.  

You can download our participation excel spread sheet

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