Metrics for the Internet, Information Technology,
and Service Management
Over 540 Objective Metrics Defined
83 Graphical Metric Reports
show over 240 metrics
Compliant with ITIL - ISO 20000
IT Service Management
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Metrics for the Internet, Information Technology, and Service Management - The Metrics HandiGuide was updated in 2010 to include an extensive presentation on Service Level Aggreements and Metrics for Outsourced services.
The Metrics for the Internet, Information Technology and Service Management HandiGuide® is over 300 pages, defines 540 objective metrics, and contains 83 metric reports that show over 240 objective metrics.
The metrics cover all areas of the Internet, Information Technology, and Service Management -- including WIRELESS metrics. In addition, there are industry specific examples for financial services, distribution, manufacturing, education, entertainment, government, hospitality, insurance, medical, real estate and retail.
Organizational responsibilities defined
Metric process, design, and definition of 540 specific objective metrics
83 sample metric reports - includes over 240 of 540 objective metrics
Graphic data presentation rules
A full metric report package is defined - a template you can use right away
Wireless metrics examples are featured
Updated to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley