Tool Kits -- CIO CTO Tools
IT Job Descriptions
IT Infrastructure

Security - Disaster Planning

Service Level Agreements MetricsTool Kits -- CIO CTO Tools - is the resource site forInformation Technology management. This site contains the Information Technology and management infrastructure tools that the CIO, CSO, and CFO can use for Sarbanes Oxley, Disaster Recovery, Security, JobDescriptions, IT Service Management,  Change Control, Help Desk, Service Requests, SLAs - Service Level Agreements, and Metrics.  Site includes Browser and Operating System Market Share White Paper and IT Salary Survey Data.

2023 Edition of IT Management Tool Kit Released

IT Management Tool Kit

CIOs and CTOs are in a constantly evolving field, however world class CIOs and CTOs focus on three areas to help them manage more effectively. They are:

  • Technology
  • People
  • Infrastructure

Over 2,400 pages of "Best Practices", tips and techniques, policies, procedures, job descriptions, electronic forms and much more. Ready for immediate download.

IT Management Tool Kit Read on  Order

IT Job Market Loses

The IT job Market is showing IT hiring slows with reduction in the size of the IT Job Market

IT job Market Forecast

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Hiring Plans

For more go to IT Job Market News.

Hiring Plans for IT Pros


IT Toolkits focus supports a wide range of industries and enterprises of all sizes.  Our clients include over 2,500 premier corporations from around the world, including over 250 of the Fortune 500.

IT Salary Survey

NEWS -- The IT Salary Survey is now available. Study shows that IT salaries have fallen. Companies that participate get a free copy of the next survey when it is released.

Salary Survey

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Security Manual Template
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IT Service Management
CIO Productivity Bundle
IT Hiring Resource Kit
SOX Compliance Resource Kit
DRP & Security Bundle
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Corner Bowl Software

Log Management, Security, Compliance, Server Monitoring and Network Monitoring

IT Job Descriptions

Over 324 updated IT job descriptions

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DRP and BCP Template

Between hackers, natural disasters, or even a pipe breaking in the office above yours, every enterprise needs a business continuity plan. It often is the difference between riding out a problem and going out of business. For this reason, most enterprises focus on the safety of their backup. Data loss is significant concern for everyone - and has huge financial consequences. Solutions typically require multiple processes and procedures.

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