Internet and Information Technology
Position Descriptions HandiGuideĀ®
Sample Job Description
The Internet and IT Job Description HandiGuide contains 300 job descriptions and have a 2019 copyright. When you order the update service along with your initial order you are guaranteed in getting the next IT Job Descriptions when they are released.
The Job Descriptions have all been updated to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, ITIL, IT Governance, and PCI-DSS requirements.
The job descriptions can be obtained in three separate ways (formats).
- PDF Book (HandiGuide) with all of the job descriptions available for viewing and printing.
- Individual MS WORD files using long file names. Each job description can be copied and edited to meet your enterprise's unique requirements.
- Combination of the PDF HandiGuide plus the Individual WORD files.
Sample Description - Manager Systems and Programming
Formatted with CSS style sheet - with one change to the style sheet each Word job description can be modified to you customized format.