Internet, PDA, SmartPhone, PC, and Workstation HandiGuide Released
NOTE: All of the materials included in this offering have been updated and are included in the IT Governance Infrastructure Strategy and Charter Template. This product is obsolete and no longer sold.
The use of the Internet, PC, PDA, SmartPhone and Workstation devices is critical to business operations and continues to explode as new applications and solutions are implemented each day.
The Internet, PDA, SmartPhone, PC, and Workstation HandiGuide Version 9.0 has been updated to include the Social Networking and the Telecommuting Policy Templates. It is over 160 pages of packed information that is delivered to you in both MS WORD and PDF formats. The moment you download this product it can be quickly modified to align with your company's specific needs.
The HandiGuide is ITIL and ISO complaint and has been updated to include the latest technologies.
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324 IT Job Descriptions
The Internet and IT Job Description HandiGuide is the ideal resource for any IT manager looking to add or define IT positions. We have compiled complete descriptions for the 312 most hired IT positions. Each description is at least 2 pages long and some up to five pages.
You can either purchase the HandiGuide with the job descriptions in PDF format, the job descriptions in MS WORD, or both.
Each job description contains a detailed description of the responsibilities and of the recommended requirements for each position. The job descriptions in Microsoft Word format can be easily customized to fit your unique needs. This unique resource will help you recruit and keep great staff and build the right department structure for your business.
The HandiGuide also addresses Fair Labor Standards and the ADA, and is in a new easier to read format. Each job description meets ADA standards and the position description is delivered in electronic format - word which is editable and PDF which is printed. Also included are tools to help you expand, evaluate and define your enterprise's unique additional required.
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Records Management Policy Template
Experts Agree You Should Update Your Policy Annually
Records retention and destruction is mandated
Current Rules and Regulations Regarding the Protection and Destruction of Confidential and Sensitive Documents require that any person or company that possesses or maintains such information to take reasonable measures to protect against unauthorized access to, or use of the information in connection with its disposal.
The Record Management, Retention, and Destruction is a detail policy template which can be utilized on day one to create a records management process. Included with the policy are forms for establishing the record management retention and destruction schedule and a full job description with responsibilities for the Manager Records Administration.
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