IT Executive Salaries: Who's Cashing In?
Salaries inch up slowly
For those IT executives out there who have seen a noticeable increase in their paychecks, congratulations! Sadly—but not surprisingly—you're among the lucky few.
According to the 2011 Mid-Year IT Salary Survey from IT management consulting firm Janco Associates, pay for most high-level IT leadership positions remained flat between June 2010 and June 2011. CIOs for large companies (at least $500 million in annual gross revenue, by Janco's distinction) actually saw a 2 percent increase in total compensation, compared with the same period a year ago. But five of their top deputies experienced pay cuts, and of the three getting a raise, only one topped 1 percent (and barely, at that). CIOs at medium-sized companies (less than $500 million in annual gross revenue) took a minor hit in total compensation, while most of their deputies got a bump. VPs of Technical Services and VP/CSO received the most handsome raises at mid-tier companies, according to the study.
Take heart, IT leaders. Good times are coming back…at least, they should be, at some point.
CIO Compensation
- Large enterprises +2.05%
- June 2011
- Base $162,570
- Total $175,363
- June 2010
- Base $157,082
- Total $171,829
- Mid-sized enterprises -0.59%
- June 2011
- Base $145,049
- Total $162,250
- June 2010
- Base $145,947
- Total $163,211